A qualified seal is a service designed to sign document in an electronic form with the organization data. It guarantees an unambiguous identification of an entity who is a creator of the seal. One of the greatest benefits of a qualified seal is the fact that a document sealed with it retains its integrity. Editing such a file will instantly make a message pop up that there is inconsistency between a sealed file and a modified version thereof. Besides, adoption of the seal increases the reliability of an organization and identifies it in the electronic world.

We recommend the qualified seal in businesses which:
- Wish to automate procedures and sign in bulk e.g. invoices (go to Business B2B section to learn more)
- Keep the integrity and authenticity of forwarded documents from the moment of their sealing
- Save money and store documents on electronic carriers without printing and storing them more than it is absolutely necessary
The seal certificate may be placed on a special carrier (smart card), a client’s or EuroCert’s HSM.