Qualified Electronic Signature

The Qualified Electronic Signature EuroCert is an electronic signature that has the legal effect of a handwritten signature in electronic document circulation. Created with a certificate, it enables unambiguous identification of a natural person signing the document. To ensure security, it is stored on a cryptographic device, preventing unauthorized copying.

The Qualified Signature EuroCert Enables:

  • The signature, based on a qualified certificate, has the legal effect of a handwritten signature in digitized document circulation across the entire European Union. The signature is issued to a natural person on a secure device, consisting of a reader and a card.
  • The service complies with the eIDAS Regulation and the Polish Act on trust services and electronic identification.


Besides using an electronic signature for interactions with offices and authorities, it can also be used for commercial purposes, significantly reducing the time required to conclude civil law agreements to just a few minutes. Electronically signed files eliminate the need for printing and mailing, saving money and improving document workflow within a company.
The Qualified Signature EuroCert allows signing in PAdES format (dedicated to PDF files) and XAdES (suitable for all file types).

Qualified Electronic Seal

A qualified electronic seal is a service used to sign electronic documents with organizational data. It guarantees the unambiguous identification of the entity that created it. One of the main advantages of the seal is that it maintains the integrity of the document. Any modification to the file will generate a message indicating inconsistencies between the sealed and modified version. Moreover, using the qualified seal from EuroCert enhances an organization’s credibility and identity in the digital world.

We recommend the qualified seal for businesses that:

  • Want to automate processes and sign in bulk, e.g., invoices (learn more in the Business B2B section)
  • Ensure the integrity and authenticity of documents from the moment of sealing
  • Save money and store documents electronically, reducing the need for printing and excessive storage


The seal certificate can be placed on a special carrier (smart card), a client’s or EuroCert’s HSM.

Qualified Time Stamps

Qualified timestamping is a service that marks documents with a trusted date and time from the EuroCert Certified Time Stamping Authority. It provides the legal effect of a certified date, proving that a given document or signature existed at a specific moment. In most cases, it is used along with a qualified electronic signature.

Benefits of Time Stamps:

  • Prevents document backdating
  • Irrefutable proof that a document was created at a given time
  • Protects software from viruses
  • Ensures file security in digital circulation


If a timestamp is not applied when signing a document, the date is taken from the client’s device.

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HSM – Hardware Security Module

A Hardware Security Module (HSM) is a device that provides additional data protection and can be implemented within a corporate infrastructure. It is used to securely store and share cryptographic keys, which can only be accessed after proper authentication. HSMs can be utilized for critical functions such as signing, encrypting, decrypting, and authenticating for the purposes of application usage, systems, identities, and databases. The cryptographic operations performed by them aim to ensure the security of business secrets.

HSM – Hardware Security Module - EuroCert

Advantages and Features of HSM:

  • Ensures the highest level of key and data security in the market
  • Complies with a range of security standards and regulations, confirmed by certifications
  • Facilitates the storage and centralized management of multiple keys
  • Provides high signing performance due to its scalability
  • Incorporates safeguards to prevent tampering
  • Collaborates with systems and applications through standard interfaces

Qualified Certificates Compliant with PSD2

EuroCert offers a set of certificates compliant with the PSD2 Directive, effective since September 14, 2019, covering payment services across all European Union member states. This service is intended for non-banking entities (Third Party Providers) or organizations applying for a payment institution license from the Financial Supervision Authority (KNF).

The certificate set includes:

  • A qualified electronic seal certificate compliant with PSD2, used to authenticate the data of a legal entity providing payment services.
  • A qualified website authentication certificate compliant with PSD2, used to authenticate websites and associate them with a legal entity.

To obtain a certificate, the company must hold an active license issued by the KNF. If you are applying for a license and wish to test your solution in the KNF Regulatory Sandbox, you can obtain test certificates compliant with PSD2.

Qualified certificates compliant with PSD2, issued by the EuroCert trust service provider, adhere to the ETSI TS 119 495 v 1.2.1 technical specification.


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Certificates for the National Node

Certificates that enable assertion decryption and request signing in compliance with all the requirements of the National Node for Electronic Identification, dedicated to public administration units in Poland.

Integration with the National Identification Node using these certificates will create conditions and tools for the widespread adoption of digital services and, more importantly, facilitate the implementation of efficient electronic identification in Poland. Ultimately, this system will allow for the handling of official matters using identification methods other than the Trusted Profile, such as authentication via banking credentials.

Without the Certificates for the National Node issued by EuroCert, integration with the system is not possible.


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Non-Qualified Certificates

Non-qualified certificates enable the signing and encryption of emails and files. They provide effective protection against forgery or unauthorized access to transmitted information, enhancing the security of electronic correspondence. A non-qualified certificate is not equivalent to a qualified certificate and does not have the legal effect of a handwritten signature. It can be successfully used for internal communication or inter-company correspondence.


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