A Qualified Electronic Seal allows for quick and automatic sealing of digital documents that are issued in bulk by companies or public institutions. When deciding to purchase this tool, entrepreneurs often face the dilemma of which type of e-seal to choose and which will be best suited to the specifics of a given enterprise. Are you planning to automate business processes to increase the productivity of your organization? Do you want to replace the traditional ink stamp with a modern solution in the form of a qualified electronic seal? Everything you need to know about this trust service can be found in this guide.

Qualified Electronic Seal – what is it?

Qualified Electronic Seal is a digital tool that allows for signing many electronic documents simultaneously with the data of an organization, such as a company or public institution. It contains identification data, such as the company name, headquarters address, information about the number and type of tax identification (e.g., KRS, NIP), and sometimes also the name of the organizational unit. 

Thanks to the EU eIDAS regulation and applicable Polish law, the use of this tool allows us, in most cases, to completely abandon the traditional stamp. A sealed e-document is then treated as equivalent to the original paper version throughout the European Union.

The qualified electronic seal is mainly used to certify the origin and integrity of a document. This solution is most effective where there is a need to seal a large number of digital files in an automated manner. 

A qualified electronic seal does not contain personal data, which is found in an electronic signature. Therefore, an e-seal cannot be used to make a declaration of intent.

These articles may interest you:

Qualified Electronic Seal – types and applications

Entrepreneurs and managers who decide to implement an e-seal in their organization should choose the appropriate method of providing this service. It is worth adapting the type of qualified electronic seal primarily to:

  • the number of sealed electronic documents within a given time frame, 
  • the way business processes are conducted, 
  • the type of software used in the company.

The certificate of a qualified electronic seal can be located on various devices. Therefore, the types of e-seals can be distinguished as follows:

  • qualified electronic seal on a cryptographic card, 
  • qualified electronic seal in the cloud, 
  • qualified electronic seal HSM.

Qualified Electronic Seal on a cryptographic card

The simplest version of the qualified electronic seal is available on a cryptographic card. This card can take the form of a SIM card or an ATM card. In this case, sealing digital documents requires the use of a USB card reader (in the form of a flash drive) or a larger electronic card reader that allows communication with a computer. The signing process is carried out via a desktop application, which can be used offline.

Qualified Electronic Seal in the cloud (ECSigner)

The qualified electronic seal is also available in a cloud version. This type does not require the use of an electronic card reader. Instead, the user operates a mobile application installed on a smartphone, which is used for authentication when sealing a digital file.

A qualified electronic seal in the cloud requires the use of an additional desktop application for signing documents, which communicates with the seal service stored in the cloud. Sealing can begin only when we log into the service and enter the one-time authentication code, which is generated by the mobile application. An example of such a digital service is the ECSigner qualified seal from EuroCert.  

This type of cloud-based e-seal is used in innovative enterprises and offices with dispersed branches, where business processes are not automated. It is ideal where remote access to the tool is necessary for many people.

Qualified Electronic Seal HSM 

Medium and large enterprises whose operations require mass sealing of digital documents can use the qualified electronic seal service in the cloud. Such a seal can be hosted on the company’s server or on an HSM (Hardware Security Module) device, which provides cryptographic data protection. 

In this case, the qualified electronic seal is a comprehensive solution that enables the automation of the sealing process in any client system (e.g., CRM, ERP, EZD) via an API interface. An example of such a service is the ECQSS Seal from the trust service provider Eurocert, offered in Professional and Enterprise plans. 

This type of electronic seal is used in innovative companies, offices, and institutions with multiple units in various locations that have ready systems for integration. Thanks to the qualified cloud seal, it is possible to automatically, massively, and quickly seal large amounts of digital documents.

types of electronic seals

Qualified Electronic Seal – advantages and benefits

Using a qualified electronic seal brings a number of business benefits. The most important of these include:

  • legal effects appropriate to electronic documents, 
  • automation of business processes, 
  • authenticity and integrity of documents, 
  • financial savings, 
  • time savings, 
  • wide application of the tool, 
  • ecology, 
  • positive company image.

A qualified electronic seal, like an electronic signature, has legal effects. Documents sealed with an e-seal can be recognized as originals and equivalent to their paper versions in Poland and EU member states. This is made possible by the eIDAS regulation and the Polish law on trust services and electronic identification.

Automation of business processes

A qualified e-seal supports the automation of business processes. The tool can be integrated with the company’s own infrastructure, enabling the quick signing of important documents, such as invoices or certificates, in bulk.

Authenticity and integrity of documents 

Using a qualified electronic seal guarantees data reliability. Any change to a sealed document is detectable, ensuring the integrity and origin of the document. The qualified seal also allows the identification of the entity that created the document and minimizes the possibility of impersonation by another company.

Financial savings

Using a qualified electronic seal significantly reduces paper consumption, as it is no longer needed for traditional documentation. For entrepreneurs, this also means lower costs for printer maintenance, toner purchase, and office supplies, as well as lower costs associated with courier services. Additionally, electronic document archiving is much cheaper and more efficient than traditional paper archiving.

Time savings

Documents sealed with a qualified seal can be quickly sent electronically to contractors. Importantly, the user can seal many documents at once, optimizing work time and significantly increasing productivity.

Wide application

Both small businesses, large companies, and public administration can use the electronic seal, as well as authorized individuals. Each sector has the opportunity to adjust the type of qualified seal to their own needs and the needs of their clients, contractors, or stakeholders.


The e-seal, like electronic signatures, allows for the reduction of non-ecological processes in organizations. The company then implements fully digital solutions that positively affect the development of the entire company.

Positive company image 

Thanks to modern digital services, employers build the value of the enterprise. In the case of using a qualified cloud-based seal, this is not only a professional image of an eco-friendly organization but also a friendly workplace that allows for remote work.

Qualified Electronic Seal – how to obtain it?

A qualified electronic seal can be obtained remotely, directly from a qualified trust service provider. The service is also available from authorized partners of the providers (stationary or mobile) throughout Poland, who initially verify the company’s data and confirm the identity of its owner or proxy.  

Here’s how to obtain a qualified electronic seal step by step: 

Choosing a Trust Service Provider 

First, choose a certified trust service provider authorized to issue qualified electronic seals, such as Eurocert. Such a provider must go through an accreditation process by national authorities, guaranteeing the highest security standards. 

Purchase of a Qualified Electronic Seal 

The simplest version of the qualified electronic seal can be purchased directly from the trust service provider’s online store. Just pay for the order and follow the instructions presented in the cart. 

Identity verification

The next step is to go through the identity verification process, which involves checking the accuracy of the company’s data and the representatives’ or proxies’ data. The verification process, which takes about 15 minutes, can be based on:

  • online video verification, 
  • an electronic statement signed with a qualified signature, 
  • a visit to an authorized point of sale, 
  • a meeting with a mobile verifier who schedules a visit at the client’s office at a specific time (VIP service).

Obtaining a Qualified Electronic Seal  

After successful verification, the trust service provider generates access to the e-seal and sends the relevant information to the email address provided by the client. After this operation, the seal is ready for use.  

Qualified Electronic Seal – summary

The qualified electronic seal contains the identification data of the organization and complies with the EU eIDAS regulation and Polish law. Its main purpose is to certify the authenticity and integrity of electronic documents, whether for single or mass sealing. Unlike an electronic signature, the e-seal cannot be used to make declarations of intent. 

There are different types of e-seals, whose qualified certificates can be placed on a cryptographic card, in the cloud, on a company server, or an HSM device. Each is dedicated to different organizational needs. 

Using a qualified electronic seal brings numerous benefits, such as saving time and money, improving business processes, and positively impacting the environment. To obtain a qualified electronic seal, simply use the services of trust providers, purchase the tool online, and complete the necessary formalities.  A Qualified Electronic Seal allows for quick and automatic sealing of digital documents that are issued in bulk by companies or public institutions. When deciding to purchase this tool, entrepreneurs often face the dilemma of which type of e-seal to choose and which will be best suited to the specifics of a given enterprise. Are you planning to automate business processes to increase the productivity of your organization? Do you want to replace the traditional ink stamp with a modern solution in the form of a qualified electronic seal? Everything you need to know about this trust service can be found in this guide.

Qualified Electronic Seal – what is it?

Qualified Electronic Seal is a digital tool that allows for signing many electronic documents simultaneously with the data of an organization, such as a company or public institution. It contains identification data, such as the company name, headquarters address, information about the number and type of tax identification (e.g., KRS, NIP), and sometimes also the name of the organizational unit. 

Thanks to the EU eIDAS regulation and applicable Polish law, the use of this tool allows us, in most cases, to completely abandon the traditional stamp. A sealed e-document is then treated as equivalent to the original paper version throughout the European Union.

The qualified electronic seal is mainly used to certify the origin and integrity of a document. This solution is most effective where there is a need to seal a large number of digital files in an automated manner. 

A qualified electronic seal does not contain personal data, which is found in an electronic signature. Therefore, an e-seal cannot be used to make a declaration of intent.

These articles may interest you:

Qualified Electronic Seal – types and applications

Entrepreneurs and managers who decide to implement an e-seal in their organization should choose the appropriate method of providing this service. It is worth adapting the type of qualified electronic seal primarily to:

  • the number of sealed electronic documents within a given time frame, 
  • the way business processes are conducted, 
  • the type of software used in the company.

The certificate of a qualified electronic seal can be located on various devices. Therefore, the types of e-seals can be distinguished as follows:

  • qualified electronic seal on a cryptographic card, 
  • qualified electronic seal in the cloud, 
  • qualified electronic seal HSM.

Qualified Electronic Seal on a cryptographic card

The simplest version of the qualified electronic seal is available on a cryptographic card. This card can take the form of a SIM card or an ATM card. In this case, sealing digital documents requires the use of a USB card reader (in the form of a flash drive) or a larger electronic card reader that allows communication with a computer. The signing process is carried out via a desktop application, which can be used offline.

Qualified Electronic Seal in the cloud (ECSigner)

The qualified electronic seal is also available in a cloud version. This type does not require the use of an electronic card reader. Instead, the user operates a mobile application installed on a smartphone, which is used for authentication when sealing a digital file.

A qualified electronic seal in the cloud requires the use of an additional desktop application for signing documents, which communicates with the seal service stored in the cloud. Sealing can begin only when we log into the service and enter the one-time authentication code, which is generated by the mobile application. An example of such a digital service is the ECSigner qualified seal from EuroCert.  

This type of cloud-based e-seal is used in innovative enterprises and offices with dispersed branches, where business processes are not automated. It is ideal where remote access to the tool is necessary for many people.

Qualified Electronic Seal HSM 

Medium and large enterprises whose operations require mass sealing of digital documents can use the qualified electronic seal service in the cloud. Such a seal can be hosted on the company’s server or on an HSM (Hardware Security Module) device, which provides cryptographic data protection. 

In this case, the qualified electronic seal is a comprehensive solution that enables the automation of the sealing process in any client system (e.g., CRM, ERP, EZD) via an API interface. An example of such a service is the ECQSS Seal from the trust service provider Eurocert, offered in Professional and Enterprise plans. 

This type of electronic seal is used in innovative companies, offices, and institutions with multiple units in various locations that have ready systems for integration. Thanks to the qualified cloud seal, it is possible to automatically, massively, and quickly seal large amounts of digital documents.

types of electronic seals

Qualified Electronic Seal – advantages and benefits

Using a qualified electronic seal brings a number of business benefits. The most important of these include:

  • legal effects appropriate to electronic documents, 
  • automation of business processes, 
  • authenticity and integrity of documents, 
  • financial savings, 
  • time savings, 
  • wide application of the tool, 
  • ecology, 
  • positive company image.

A qualified electronic seal, like an electronic signature, has legal effects. Documents sealed with an e-seal can be recognized as originals and equivalent to their paper versions in Poland and EU member states. This is made possible by the eIDAS regulation and the Polish law on trust services and electronic identification.

Automation of business processes

A qualified e-seal supports the automation of business processes. The tool can be integrated with the company’s own infrastructure, enabling the quick signing of important documents, such as invoices or certificates, in bulk.

Authenticity and integrity of documents 

Using a qualified electronic seal guarantees data reliability. Any change to a sealed document is detectable, ensuring the integrity and origin of the document. The qualified seal also allows the identification of the entity that created the document and minimizes the possibility of impersonation by another company.

Financial savings

Using a qualified electronic seal significantly reduces paper consumption, as it is no longer needed for traditional documentation. For entrepreneurs, this also means lower costs for printer maintenance, toner purchase, and office supplies, as well as lower costs associated with courier services. Additionally, electronic document archiving is much cheaper and more efficient than traditional paper archiving.

Time savings

Documents sealed with a qualified seal can be quickly sent electronically to contractors. Importantly, the user can seal many documents at once, optimizing work time and significantly increasing productivity.

Wide application

Both small businesses, large companies, and public administration can use the electronic seal, as well as authorized individuals. Each sector has the opportunity to adjust the type of qualified seal to their own needs and the needs of their clients, contractors, or stakeholders.


The e-seal, like electronic signatures, allows for the reduction of non-ecological processes in organizations. The company then implements fully digital solutions that positively affect the development of the entire company.

Positive company image 

Thanks to modern digital services, employers build the value of the enterprise. In the case of using a qualified cloud-based seal, this is not only a professional image of an eco-friendly organization but also a friendly workplace that allows for remote work.

Qualified Electronic Seal – how to obtain it?

A qualified electronic seal can be obtained remotely, directly from a qualified trust service provider. The service is also available from authorized partners of the providers (stationary or mobile) throughout Poland, who initially verify the company’s data and confirm the identity of its owner or proxy.  

Here’s how to obtain a qualified electronic seal step by step: 

Choosing a Trust Service Provider 

First, choose a certified trust service provider authorized to issue qualified electronic seals, such as Eurocert. Such a provider must go through an accreditation process by national authorities, guaranteeing the highest security standards. 

Purchase of a Qualified Electronic Seal 

The simplest version of the qualified electronic seal can be purchased directly from the trust service provider’s online store. Just pay for the order and follow the instructions presented in the cart. 

Identity verification

The next step is to go through the identity verification process, which involves checking the accuracy of the company’s data and the representatives’ or proxies’ data. The verification process, which takes about 15 minutes, can be based on:

  • online video verification, 
  • an electronic statement signed with a qualified signature, 
  • a visit to an authorized point of sale, 
  • a meeting with a mobile verifier who schedules a visit at the client’s office at a specific time (VIP service).

Obtaining a Qualified Electronic Seal  

After successful verification, the trust service provider generates access to the e-seal and sends the relevant information to the email address provided by the client. After this operation, the seal is ready for use.  

Qualified Electronic Seal – summary

The qualified electronic seal contains the identification data of the organization and complies with the EU eIDAS regulation and Polish law. Its main purpose is to certify the authenticity and integrity of electronic documents, whether for single or mass sealing. Unlike an electronic signature, the e-seal cannot be used to make declarations of intent. 

There are different types of e-seals, whose qualified certificates can be placed on a cryptographic card, in the cloud, on a company server, or an HSM device. Each is dedicated to different organizational needs. 

Using a qualified electronic seal brings numerous benefits, such as saving time and money, improving business processes, and positively impacting the environment. To obtain a qualified electronic seal, simply use the services of trust providers, purchase the tool online, and complete the necessary formalities.  A Qualified Electronic Seal allows for quick and automatic sealing of digital documents that are issued in bulk by companies or public institutions. When deciding to purchase this tool, entrepreneurs often face the dilemma of which type of e-seal to choose and which will be best suited to the specifics of a given enterprise. Are you planning to automate business processes to increase the productivity of your organization? Do you want to replace the traditional ink stamp with a modern solution in the form of a qualified electronic seal? Everything you need to know about this trust service can be found in this guide.

Qualified Electronic Seal – what is it?

Qualified Electronic Seal is a digital tool that allows for signing many electronic documents simultaneously with the data of an organization, such as a company or public institution. It contains identification data, such as the company name, headquarters address, information about the number and type of tax identification (e.g., KRS, NIP), and sometimes also the name of the organizational unit. 

Thanks to the EU eIDAS regulation and applicable Polish law, the use of this tool allows us, in most cases, to completely abandon the traditional stamp. A sealed e-document is then treated as equivalent to the original paper version throughout the European Union.

The qualified electronic seal is mainly used to certify the origin and integrity of a document. This solution is most effective where there is a need to seal a large number of digital files in an automated manner. 

A qualified electronic seal does not contain personal data, which is found in an electronic signature. Therefore, an e-seal cannot be used to make a declaration of intent.

These articles may interest you:

Qualified Electronic Seal – types and applications

Entrepreneurs and managers who decide to implement an e-seal in their organization should choose the appropriate method of providing this service. It is worth adapting the type of qualified electronic seal primarily to:

  • the number of sealed electronic documents within a given time frame, 
  • the way business processes are conducted, 
  • the type of software used in the company.

The certificate of a qualified electronic seal can be located on various devices. Therefore, the types of e-seals can be distinguished as follows:

  • qualified electronic seal on a cryptographic card, 
  • qualified electronic seal in the cloud, 
  • qualified electronic seal HSM.

Qualified Electronic Seal on a cryptographic card

The simplest version of the qualified electronic seal is available on a cryptographic card. This card can take the form of a SIM card or an ATM card. In this case, sealing digital documents requires the use of a USB card reader (in the form of a flash drive) or a larger electronic card reader that allows communication with a computer. The signing process is carried out via a desktop application, which can be used offline.

Qualified Electronic Seal in the cloud (ECSigner)

The qualified electronic seal is also available in a cloud version. This type does not require the use of an electronic card reader. Instead, the user operates a mobile application installed on a smartphone, which is used for authentication when sealing a digital file.

A qualified electronic seal in the cloud requires the use of an additional desktop application for signing documents, which communicates with the seal service stored in the cloud. Sealing can begin only when we log into the service and enter the one-time authentication code, which is generated by the mobile application. An example of such a digital service is the ECSigner qualified seal from EuroCert.  

This type of cloud-based e-seal is used in innovative enterprises and offices with dispersed branches, where business processes are not automated. It is ideal where remote access to the tool is necessary for many people.

Qualified Electronic Seal HSM 

Medium and large enterprises whose operations require mass sealing of digital documents can use the qualified electronic seal service in the cloud. Such a seal can be hosted on the company’s server or on an HSM (Hardware Security Module) device, which provides cryptographic data protection. 

In this case, the qualified electronic seal is a comprehensive solution that enables the automation of the sealing process in any client system (e.g., CRM, ERP, EZD) via an API interface. An example of such a service is the ECQSS Seal from the trust service provider Eurocert, offered in Professional and Enterprise plans. 

This type of electronic seal is used in innovative companies, offices, and institutions with multiple units in various locations that have ready systems for integration. Thanks to the qualified cloud seal, it is possible to automatically, massively, and quickly seal large amounts of digital documents.

types of electronic seals

Qualified Electronic Seal – advantages and benefits

Using a qualified electronic seal brings a number of business benefits. The most important of these include:

  • legal effects appropriate to electronic documents, 
  • automation of business processes, 
  • authenticity and integrity of documents, 
  • financial savings, 
  • time savings, 
  • wide application of the tool, 
  • ecology, 
  • positive company image.

A qualified electronic seal, like an electronic signature, has legal effects. Documents sealed with an e-seal can be recognized as originals and equivalent to their paper versions in Poland and EU member states. This is made possible by the eIDAS regulation and the Polish law on trust services and electronic identification.

Automation of business processes

A qualified e-seal supports the automation of business processes. The tool can be integrated with the company’s own infrastructure, enabling the quick signing of important documents, such as invoices or certificates, in bulk.

Authenticity and integrity of documents 

Using a qualified electronic seal guarantees data reliability. Any change to a sealed document is detectable, ensuring the integrity and origin of the document. The qualified seal also allows the identification of the entity that created the document and minimizes the possibility of impersonation by another company.

Financial savings

Using a qualified electronic seal significantly reduces paper consumption, as it is no longer needed for traditional documentation. For entrepreneurs, this also means lower costs for printer maintenance, toner purchase, and office supplies, as well as lower costs associated with courier services. Additionally, electronic document archiving is much cheaper and more efficient than traditional paper archiving.

Time savings

Documents sealed with a qualified seal can be quickly sent electronically to contractors. Importantly, the user can seal many documents at once, optimizing work time and significantly increasing productivity.

Wide application

Both small businesses, large companies, and public administration can use the electronic seal, as well as authorized individuals. Each sector has the opportunity to adjust the type of qualified seal to their own needs and the needs of their clients, contractors, or stakeholders.


The e-seal, like electronic signatures, allows for the reduction of non-ecological processes in organizations. The company then implements fully digital solutions that positively affect the development of the entire company.

Positive company image 

Thanks to modern digital services, employers build the value of the enterprise. In the case of using a qualified cloud-based seal, this is not only a professional image of an eco-friendly organization but also a friendly workplace that allows for remote work.

Qualified Electronic Seal – how to obtain it?

A qualified electronic seal can be obtained remotely, directly from a qualified trust service provider. The service is also available from authorized partners of the providers (stationary or mobile) throughout Poland, who initially verify the company’s data and confirm the identity of its owner or proxy.  

Here’s how to obtain a qualified electronic seal step by step: 

Choosing a Trust Service Provider 

First, choose a certified trust service provider authorized to issue qualified electronic seals, such as Eurocert. Such a provider must go through an accreditation process by national authorities, guaranteeing the highest security standards. 

Purchase of a Qualified Electronic Seal 

The simplest version of the qualified electronic seal can be purchased directly from the trust service provider’s online store. Just pay for the order and follow the instructions presented in the cart. 

Identity verification

The next step is to go through the identity verification process, which involves checking the accuracy of the company’s data and the representatives’ or proxies’ data. The verification process, which takes about 15 minutes, can be based on:

  • online video verification, 
  • an electronic statement signed with a qualified signature, 
  • a visit to an authorized point of sale, 
  • a meeting with a mobile verifier who schedules a visit at the client’s office at a specific time (VIP service).

Obtaining a Qualified Electronic Seal  

After successful verification, the trust service provider generates access to the e-seal and sends the relevant information to the email address provided by the client. After this operation, the seal is ready for use.  

Qualified Electronic Seal – summary

The qualified electronic seal contains the identification data of the organization and complies with the EU eIDAS regulation and Polish law. Its main purpose is to certify the authenticity and integrity of electronic documents, whether for single or mass sealing. Unlike an electronic signature, the e-seal cannot be used to make declarations of intent. 

There are different types of e-seals, whose qualified certificates can be placed on a cryptographic card, in the cloud, on a company server, or an HSM device. Each is dedicated to different organizational needs. 

Using a qualified electronic seal brings numerous benefits, such as saving time and money, improving business processes, and positively impacting the environment. To obtain a qualified electronic seal, simply use the services of trust providers, purchase the tool online, and complete the necessary formalities.  A Qualified Electronic Seal allows for quick and automatic sealing of digital documents that are issued in bulk by companies or public institutions. When deciding to purchase this tool, entrepreneurs often face the dilemma of which type of e-seal to choose and which will be best suited to the specifics of a given enterprise. Are you planning to automate business processes to increase the productivity of your organization? Do you want to replace the traditional ink stamp with a modern solution in the form of a qualified electronic seal? Everything you need to know about this trust service can be found in this guide.

Qualified Electronic Seal – what is it?

Qualified Electronic Seal is a digital tool that allows for signing many electronic documents simultaneously with the data of an organization, such as a company or public institution. It contains identification data, such as the company name, headquarters address, information about the number and type of tax identification (e.g., KRS, NIP), and sometimes also the name of the organizational unit. 

Thanks to the EU eIDAS regulation and applicable Polish law, the use of this tool allows us, in most cases, to completely abandon the traditional stamp. A sealed e-document is then treated as equivalent to the original paper version throughout the European Union.

The qualified electronic seal is mainly used to certify the origin and integrity of a document. This solution is most effective where there is a need to seal a large number of digital files in an automated manner. 

A qualified electronic seal does not contain personal data, which is found in an electronic signature. Therefore, an e-seal cannot be used to make a declaration of intent.

These articles may interest you:

Qualified Electronic Seal – types and applications

Entrepreneurs and managers who decide to implement an e-seal in their organization should choose the appropriate method of providing this service. It is worth adapting the type of qualified electronic seal primarily to:

  • the number of sealed electronic documents within a given time frame, 
  • the way business processes are conducted, 
  • the type of software used in the company.

The certificate of a qualified electronic seal can be located on various devices. Therefore, the types of e-seals can be distinguished as follows:

  • qualified electronic seal on a cryptographic card, 
  • qualified electronic seal in the cloud, 
  • qualified electronic seal HSM.

Qualified Electronic Seal on a cryptographic card

The simplest version of the qualified electronic seal is available on a cryptographic card. This card can take the form of a SIM card or an ATM card. In this case, sealing digital documents requires the use of a USB card reader (in the form of a flash drive) or a larger electronic card reader that allows communication with a computer. The signing process is carried out via a desktop application, which can be used offline.

Qualified Electronic Seal in the cloud (ECSigner)

The qualified electronic seal is also available in a cloud version. This type does not require the use of an electronic card reader. Instead, the user operates a mobile application installed on a smartphone, which is used for authentication when sealing a digital file.

A qualified electronic seal in the cloud requires the use of an additional desktop application for signing documents, which communicates with the seal service stored in the cloud. Sealing can begin only when we log into the service and enter the one-time authentication code, which is generated by the mobile application. An example of such a digital service is the ECSigner qualified seal from EuroCert.  

This type of cloud-based e-seal is used in innovative enterprises and offices with dispersed branches, where business processes are not automated. It is ideal where remote access to the tool is necessary for many people.

Qualified Electronic Seal HSM 

Medium and large enterprises whose operations require mass sealing of digital documents can use the qualified electronic seal service in the cloud. Such a seal can be hosted on the company’s server or on an HSM (Hardware Security Module) device, which provides cryptographic data protection. 

In this case, the qualified electronic seal is a comprehensive solution that enables the automation of the sealing process in any client system (e.g., CRM, ERP, EZD) via an API interface. An example of such a service is the ECQSS Seal from the trust service provider Eurocert, offered in Professional and Enterprise plans. 

This type of electronic seal is used in innovative companies, offices, and institutions with multiple units in various locations that have ready systems for integration. Thanks to the qualified cloud seal, it is possible to automatically, massively, and quickly seal large amounts of digital documents.

types of electronic seals

Qualified Electronic Seal – advantages and benefits

Using a qualified electronic seal brings a number of business benefits. The most important of these include:

  • legal effects appropriate to electronic documents, 
  • automation of business processes, 
  • authenticity and integrity of documents, 
  • financial savings, 
  • time savings, 
  • wide application of the tool, 
  • ecology, 
  • positive company image.

A qualified electronic seal, like an electronic signature, has legal effects. Documents sealed with an e-seal can be recognized as originals and equivalent to their paper versions in Poland and EU member states. This is made possible by the eIDAS regulation and the Polish law on trust services and electronic identification.

Automation of business processes

A qualified e-seal supports the automation of business processes. The tool can be integrated with the company’s own infrastructure, enabling the quick signing of important documents, such as invoices or certificates, in bulk.

Authenticity and integrity of documents 

Using a qualified electronic seal guarantees data reliability. Any change to a sealed document is detectable, ensuring the integrity and origin of the document. The qualified seal also allows the identification of the entity that created the document and minimizes the possibility of impersonation by another company.

Financial savings

Using a qualified electronic seal significantly reduces paper consumption, as it is no longer needed for traditional documentation. For entrepreneurs, this also means lower costs for printer maintenance, toner purchase, and office supplies, as well as lower costs associated with courier services. Additionally, electronic document archiving is much cheaper and more efficient than traditional paper archiving.

Time savings

Documents sealed with a qualified seal can be quickly sent electronically to contractors. Importantly, the user can seal many documents at once, optimizing work time and significantly increasing productivity.

Wide application

Both small businesses, large companies, and public administration can use the electronic seal, as well as authorized individuals. Each sector has the opportunity to adjust the type of qualified seal to their own needs and the needs of their clients, contractors, or stakeholders.


The e-seal, like electronic signatures, allows for the reduction of non-ecological processes in organizations. The company then implements fully digital solutions that positively affect the development of the entire company.

Positive company image 

Thanks to modern digital services, employers build the value of the enterprise. In the case of using a qualified cloud-based seal, this is not only a professional image of an eco-friendly organization but also a friendly workplace that allows for remote work.

Qualified Electronic Seal – how to obtain it?

A qualified electronic seal can be obtained remotely, directly from a qualified trust service provider. The service is also available from authorized partners of the providers (stationary or mobile) throughout Poland, who initially verify the company’s data and confirm the identity of its owner or proxy.  

Here’s how to obtain a qualified electronic seal step by step: 

Choosing a Trust Service Provider 

First, choose a certified trust service provider authorized to issue qualified electronic seals, such as Eurocert. Such a provider must go through an accreditation process by national authorities, guaranteeing the highest security standards. 

Purchase of a Qualified Electronic Seal 

The simplest version of the qualified electronic seal can be purchased directly from the trust service provider’s online store. Just pay for the order and follow the instructions presented in the cart. 

Identity verification

The next step is to go through the identity verification process, which involves checking the accuracy of the company’s data and the representatives’ or proxies’ data. The verification process, which takes about 15 minutes, can be based on:

  • online video verification, 
  • an electronic statement signed with a qualified signature, 
  • a visit to an authorized point of sale, 
  • a meeting with a mobile verifier who schedules a visit at the client’s office at a specific time (VIP service).

Obtaining a Qualified Electronic Seal  

After successful verification, the trust service provider generates access to the e-seal and sends the relevant information to the email address provided by the client. After this operation, the seal is ready for use.  

Qualified Electronic Seal – summary

The qualified electronic seal contains the identification data of the organization and complies with the EU eIDAS regulation and Polish law. Its main purpose is to certify the authenticity and integrity of electronic documents, whether for single or mass sealing. Unlike an electronic signature, the e-seal cannot be used to make declarations of intent. 

There are different types of e-seals, whose qualified certificates can be placed on a cryptographic card, in the cloud, on a company server, or an HSM device. Each is dedicated to different organizational needs. 

Using a qualified electronic seal brings numerous benefits, such as saving time and money, improving business processes, and positively impacting the environment. To obtain a qualified electronic seal, simply use the services of trust providers, purchase the tool online, and complete the necessary formalities.